Fractional CFO Services

Ready to Transform Your Business. Let’s Get Started!

If you’re feeling stuck or overwhelmed in your business journey, you’re not alone!

We're here to offer you the guidance and support you need to not just grow your business but also thrive personally.

Tailored Coaching Just for You

Expert Support When You Need It

Sustainable Growth Strategies

Let's Get out of Survival, and into Thrival

Did you start your business to gain freedom, but now it feels like you’re drowning in responsibilities? If your business is dictating your life instead of empowering you, it’s time for a shift.

Imagine stepping into your role with confidence, reclaiming control, and enjoying more quality time with your family—all while watching your profits grow. With our online business coaching services, here’s what you can expect:

  • Overcome Overwhelm: Say goodbye to endless to-do lists! With our support, you’ll streamline your daily tasks, allowing you to focus on what truly matters and enjoy a more balanced life.

  • Gain Clarity: We’ll help you define your personal and professional goals clearly. With a focused vision, you’ll know exactly what steps to take next, leading to more purposeful actions and quicker results.

  • More Work-Life Harmony: Experience a renewed sense of balance as we guide you in managing your business and personal life effectively. You’ll not only feel more fulfilled at work but also have time for the moments that matter most.

It's Time to Get an Online Business in Your Corner

Our Online Business Coaching Helps you step into your leadership and build the systems in your business to support your long term goals.

Gain Clarity

We’ll work together to clarify your goals and priorities, allowing you to focus on what truly matters to you.

Make Confident Decisions

You’ll develop the tools and mindset needed to make strategic choices that align with your vision, so you can move forward without hesitation.

Feel Empowered

Build a proactive plan that enhances both your business growth and personal fulfillment, enabling you to thrive in every area of your life.

Who is Business Coaching and Mentoring For?

Our Business Coaching and Mentoring is perfect for entrepreneurs who are feeling burnt out, overwhelmed, and alone.

We work with you to get more leverage, control, and joy back in your business.

Here are some good indicators that Online Business Coaching is For You.

- You Want to Grow Your Business and Yourself: You recognize that true success is about more than just numbers. You know your leadership and mindset are equally as important.

- You Want to Grow Yourself and Show Up Differently

You’re ready to step into a new version of you. You want to cultivate new habits, develop a growth mindset, and approach challenges differently.

- You Want More Clarity and Confidence

You crave a clear vision and actionable steps to reach your goals. You understand that clarity breeds confidence, and you’re ready to break free from uncertainty.

- You Feel Overwhelmed and Close to Burnout

The constant demands of running a business can leave you feeling exhausted and on the brink of burnout. You’re juggling multiple responsibilities, and the weight of it all can feel heavy. You're ready to make a shift.

- You’re Committed to Long-Term Success

You understand that success is a journey, not a destination. You’re ready to commit to a long-term vision for your business and personal growth. You want to build a sustainable path to success that brings both fulfillment and financial rewards.

Achieve Your Goals with a Business Coach

Our Business Coaching and Mentoring services are dedicated to empowering you to achieve your goals and business that is aligned with your life.

Vision and Values

As your Business Coach we work with you set your long term vision and get aligned with your values and mission.

Goals & Roadmap

Your business and life are unique. We’ll work together to create a tailored plan for you that suits your lifestyle and business aspirations.

Time Management

We help you create systems in your business that support you in getting OUT of your business. This allows you to have more time.

Business Strategy

We support you in your business strategy. This includes looking at new ways for sales and marketing to business development.

Finances & Wealth

Finances bring a lot of stress. Stress stifles creativity. We help you get clear on your finances and your long term wealth plan.

Mindset & Money Habits

Your success is based on your mindset. Through mindset coaching, you’ll gain the confidence and clarity needed to make sound financial decisions without fear or hesitation.

We understand that life and business can be overwhelming, and it doesn' have to be...

We know it can be tough to navigate your business alone. That’s why we're here to support you as your online business coach.

Our business strategy has never been clearer, thanks to the actionable insights and guidance we received.

– Emira, CEO of Healthly Lives

Working With Simone got me so much financial clarity and control in my business. I have a way to predict cash flow now, and actually now what I'm supposed to do when it comes to managing my money!

– Lisa M, CEO and Coach

How to get started with an Online Business Coach

1. Schedule Your Discovery Session

We’ll start with a session to understand your current situation and goals.

2. Receive Your

Growth Plan

After our initial meeting, you’ll get a customized roadmap for success.

3. Feel Empowered

& See the Changes

Experience transformation in your life and business within 90 days!

We’re Here to Help You Thrive!

At Freedom Sun, we know how challenging it can be to balance business demands with personal aspirations.

Our coaching services are focused on helping you reach your full potential holistically.

Let’s create a life and business you love, with clarity, confidence, and joy.

How to Land More Ideal Clients for Your Firm

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